Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Riots in France

Are we living in a powder keg society? After reading an article about recent riots in France I asked myself this question. The article can be found here. The story is a stright forward reaction to a couple deaths of some Afrian Americans. What bothers me is how quick angry reactions have sent towns out of control.

In an age of unlimited media and insant communication, how small could be the controversy that plunges our wolrd as we know it into panic and chaos? We stress tolerance in this country to an extreme for limited special interest and diffeent cultures. Many would argue we push tolerance so far as to take away rights to the general culture and population. Yet, when even the slightest internatonal event occurs in or out of our border it becomes a mess of failed diplomatic missions and fears of further escalation. Our contry is so many times forced to choose between defense of our citizens or a black eye to the global community.

After reading this article about Frances struggles with different classes inside its cities, I worry about our growing immigration problem as well. What would to take to send just the ten million illeagal immigrants to our own streets? How would we handle that kind of a riot? With different treatment and laws in each town and state a mistake and reactionary event is almost sure to happen. I think this aspect of our current migratory cultures should be looked at in further detail and plans made to protect our cities.

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