Sunday, September 16, 2007

From 3 am...

(not cs404 related)
Well I woke up today with Cari elbowing me as usual. Having been up till 3 am the night before with Boomer Hawks and Tom playing SSBM, I was unconvinced that 8:00 in the morning was, in fact, the start of a new day. Regardless, it was a day to be remembered. I had promised Cari she could take a test today since she is a week late. If I had known she would go for the 8:00 am slot I would have clarified the promise with a more specific time. I also made her promise she couldn't take a test without me present so that if negative I could provide as much comfort as a tired insomniac could give...

I woke up again to more elbowing. It felt like I had slept another hour, but Cari reassures me it wasn't more than a minute. Yes, Cari was/is pregnant! I don't remember much else and soon fell back asleep happy to be entering the next phase of life. I'm not sure I convinced Cari of my excitement. But in my defense, I didn't know I was a father until after I stayed up to 3am :-)

Well to sum things up, by the end of the day, I was completely convinced I had not dreamed Cari's pregnancy test and the expensive pee tester had still refused to insert "not" in front of the word pregnant. In addition, our news was overpowered by Nicoles Knutti's engagement announcement! Andrea Scott is also getting married in December and will require us to fly into Washington DC as she is from Baltimore. If Nicole decides to have a white Christmas as well, the PHX extravaganza might be a little difficult to attend. We will know a little better when dates are finalized.

These names are final:
Girl - Hazel Marie Wall
Boy - Speed Zadok Wall

Twins Boys -Speed Zadot Wall
-Dash Allen Wall

Twin Girls - Hazel Marie Wall
Ester Marie Wall

1 comment:

Roger Pack said...

congrats and good luck!